People often ask "What kind of church is Desert Creek?" Are you Evangelical? Are you Pentecostal? Are you Apostolic? Are you a Faith church?
The most common answer I give is... "Yes"!
We probably lean closest to Pentecostal Church in that you will regularly see the "Power Gifts" in operation during our services. Tongues, Prophecy, Words of Wisdom and Knowledge, and even Gifts of Healing are visible in many of the services, as the Holy Spirit leads us of course.
As in the Apostolic Church, we hold great reverence for the Word of God and strive to live our lives accordingly. As such, the weekly messages are normally geared toward spiritual growth (rather than a "feel-good" message). Emphasis is placed on foundational Christian doctrines and learning to be led by the Spirit of God.
As in an Evangelical Church, we place a high value on reaching the lost. Some Pentecostal Churches are somewhat inwardly focused; that is, their primary focus is a deeper relationship with Jesus, where an Evangelical Church's primary focus would be on reaching the lost. Here at Desert Creek, we strive for a balance between knowing Christ in a deeper, more intimate way, and fulfilling His command to "Go ye therefore..."
As a Faith Church, we recognize that without faith it is impossible to please God. God Himself calls things that are not as though they are; out of nothing He created the universe. Friends, that's faith! We also believe that our God is a loving Father and wants to bless us and all that we put our hands to. We go out of our way to help our earthly children and to make their lives easier, why is it so hard to believe that our Heavenly Father wants to do the same for us?
So, what is one of our services like? the best way to find out is simply join us on a Sunday morning! Service starts promptly at 10am and we are usually done about 11:30. We have live worship most every Sunday morning and share in communion at the end of every service. We are a small group so it's a little hard to get "lost in the crowd", but don't let that detour you, everyone is friendly! Dress is casual and there is usually something for the younger kids so feel free to bring the family and spend an hour or two with us.