"To train young and old alike in the ways of the Master and to help them find and fulfill their own calling in Christ Jesus."
Is it enough to simply lead someone to the salvation knowledge of Jesus? Wasn't the command for us to "make disciples of all nations"? That carries a much different connotation than simply inviting someone to the front of the church and leading them through a prayer of salvation. There is no doubt that the moment of salvation is a crucial time for all men, but it is the beginning of the process, not the end.
As you follow Paul through his writings in the New Testament, you begin to see a progression... first he begins by saying "Follow me", then "Follow me following Christ", and finally "Follow Christ". There is a natural progression in the life of all Christians where by we grow from infancy (when we first give our lives to Christ) to mature adults.
We want not only to bring folks to a salvation knowledge of Jesus, but also to disciple them in their new life (and for those who already belong to Christ, it's never too late to become a disciple)! Come and join us as we learn the ways of the Kingdom and do our best to "lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus laid hold of us".