In order to comply with the guidelines of our Mayor, Governor, and President, we are refraining from gathering in groups larger than 10. While I believe the power of God is greater than any plague, we are also bound by His Word. In keeping with Romans 13, we will do our best under these circumstances. Remember that nothing has caught God "off guard"... He is in the business of giving epiphanies, not getting them!
~Pastor Rod
Sunday Services
Groups of less than 10 make Sunday meetings challenging at best! So, until we have the 'all clear' to resume larger gatherings, we will continue to record and post the Sunday Worship Service. You can find that video on this site (just choose the month above and then pick the date you are looking for), on YouTube and Facebook. Make no mistake, it isn't the same as gathering together, but I am so thankful we can at least meet in some fashion.
Wednesday Prayer
Wednesday prayer is still being held at the church between 7 and 8 PM. This time is open to everyone, but limited to 9 people in total. If you would like to join us at the church please drop me an email and I will add your name to the list.